The Flemish & Neutral Health Insurance Fund (VNZ) had been looking for a while for a way to reward their staff and at the same time promote their health and the environment. Bicycle leasing immediately rang a bell. Read below why they chose bicycle leasing by Joule.
Why VNZ chose bicycle leasing
Joke de Mol, personnel manager of VNZ tells a bit more about their choice for bicycle leasing: "Employees are sitting down too much these days, so moving around by bike is an ideal solution. It therefore seemed perfect to us to promote commuting by bicycle through bicycle leasing."
After a long search for a good bike partner, they ended up with Joule in October 2022. There are currently 41 employees leasing bikes from VNZ.
Joke de Mol: "Since we have been working with Joule, many more employees come to work by bike. The threshold for choosing an electric is much lower with bicycle leasing because the costs are spread monthly through the salary."
The benefits of bicycle leasing
Stefanie, member advisor at VNZ, bikes to work every day and sees only benefits.
"Biking in nature every day takes my mind off the stresses of the road. Another big advantage is that Joule comes to the office for maintenance of my bike, that way I don't have to move around unnecessarily either."
Tom David van Meel, operations director at VNZ, sees particular benefits in the total bicycle leasing package:
""The advantage of bike leasing with Joule is the total package, you get on your bike without any worries.""
Why Joule? "I would definitely recommend Joule!"
Whether they would recommend Joule? Definitely! Partners Comfoplus and NZVL (Neutrale Zorgkas Vlaanderen) also jumped on board.
Joke: "I would definitely recommend Joule, we did so with our partners and they gratefully joined the project. The cooperation at Joule runs very smoothly and they are quickly accessible for questions. The employees are happy and so am I!"
Want to know more about bicycle leasing?